A library to bind akka on scala or java with spring and any spring supported framework, as camel, cxf etc.
It’s simple to use this library:
Add artifact :
If you want to use latest artifact from master branch , use the following :
Add Artifact:
Get hold of ActorSystem :
implicit val system = SpringContextActorSystemProvider.create
Supports Multiple ActorSystem under isolated Spring ApplicationContexts, as siblings.
val actorSystems = 2551 to 2562 map (x => {
val as = SpringContextActorSystemProvider.create("ActorSystem" + x,
ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=" + x).withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()))
val echoActor = as.actorOf(Props[EchoActor])
val probe = new TestProbe(as, "probe")
val msg = "Hi There"
echoActor tell(msg, probe.ref)
probe.expectMsg(1000 millis, msg)
Reference Project: https://github.com/PuspenduBanerjee/ScalaAkkaBlah